Transformers is very near and dear to my heart. I actually was introduced to the franchise by mother who watched the original G1 cartoon while it was running, and she raised me and my siblings on it too. I’ve been watching it since I was very young and it was a pastime for my family and I to bond over. I still recall my oldest sibling and mother always really enjoyed the Autobots, which ironically worked out well considering I loved the Decepticons. I’ve had a huge bias towards the G1 continuity cartoons but, I really enjoy the new content as well! I also collect some of the toys – specifically Starscream and Blitzwing

Transformers was created from the collaboration of Takara Toy's Diaclone toy line and Hasbro. Since 1984, the franchise has had comics, shows, movies, and of course toys. Its often the first exposure western fans have to the mecha and super robot genres. Also, I feel like it's so popular and beloved, it's hard to not know somewhat what Transformers is. This shrine is more so dedicated to my review and thoughts of every continuity I've seen or read.

Cartoon Section- this section is dedicated to the animated works I've watched.

The Transformers (1984-1987) | 98 Episodes & 1 Movie

The original and first cartoon, often called G1, aired from 1984 to 1987. If you love old cartoons, I highly suggest checking it out as your first Transformers series. Most of the time if someone has seen clips or pieces of a Transformers show- it's this one. Overall, it has the iconic rivalry of Megatron and Optimus and typical shenanigans of any 80's cartoon. Not very plot-heavy and overall easy to jump right into watching. I personally still love a lot of the original personalities of some characters in this show, such as Ratchet, and it leaves me a bit biased towards this adaptation of him versus new ones.

Favorite Decepticons: Starscream | Blitzwing | Cyclonus

Favorite Autobots: Hot Rod / Rodimus | Perceptor

Rating: 7/10 Very nostalgic, but also very obviously from the 80’s. Not for everyone and that’s ok. If you like the style of older cartoons and are looking for something not super plot-heavy, I highly recommend this.

The Head Masters (1987-1988) | 35 Episodes

The second cartoon that aired from 1987-1988. This series introduced some gimmicks like the Headmasters and Targetmasters, which we can see coming from the original Diaclone line with Ultra Magnus. Headmasters are smaller Transformers that end up piloting larger suits of armor. Targetmasters on the other hand are smaller Transformers that can transform into weapons. I personally think this is really cool to see them use something like that as a main series mechanic. Overall, this series takes place after the first cartoon and we learn more about various other Autobots/Decepticons. It tries to be a bit more plot reliant but due to the nature of 80's cartoons, it often retcons itself by mistake. I really love the characters shown and they're all very charming and interesting. Overall, I really love the Headmasters and believe they are some of the most enjoyable main characters. Highly suggest checking it out if you have read the IDW continuity and want to see where some characters came from such as Chromedome.

Favorite Decepticons: Mindwipe | Misfire | Cyclonus | Scourge

Favorite Autobots: Hot Rod / Rodimus | Chromedome

Rating: 7/10 Similar to G1, but I personally enjoyed the gimmicks and characters a tad more! However, this show is very difficult to watch because I only would recommend watching the sub which can be difficult to find. The official dub for it is horrendous and I highly advise against watching it.

Super-God Masterforce (1988-1989) | 42 Episodes

The third cartoon that aired from 1988-1989. This series is a bit odd in my opinion. While it’s the origins of one of my favorite bots by design, Overlord, the show is confusing. It focuses heavily on the humans in the world and introduces new gimmicks called Pretenders. These are Transformers that hide their appearance by masking as a completely different race. The story is very different from the series we saw prior, which makes it feel very out of place and like I said previously, very confusing. I personally believe this series is closer to the Brave series than it is to the Transformers series. This led to some confusing reactions and storytelling that I personally didn't really enjoy.

Favorite Decepticon: Overlord

Favorite Autobot: N/A

Rating: 4/10 This is heavily based on the fact that I loved the setup of the prior series and felt like they tried to do too much and not really stick to one thing during the show. If you like the Brave Series I suggest giving this series a try, but it's a very easy skip in my opinion.

Victory (1989) | 44 Episodes

Transformers Victory! I've been dying to talk about this series! This is the fourth cartoon that aired with 44 episodes in a short running time from March 1989 to December 1989. This is genuinely one of my favorite series and I might be heavily biased to the fact I love Starsaber as a character and Autobot leader. This series tried really hard to remove itself from the American style of animation and takes heavy inspiration from the animes airing at the time of its release, so it has heavy late 80's shonen influences. The characters are really unique to prior continuities, as many are actually new characters. I also love the rivalry of Deszaras and Starsaber as opposed to Megatron and Optimus, as it felt more realistic given their roles and their point of views on their society. The characters and animation make it really hard to say anything negative about it. I think the only downside is they have some confusing choices regarding canon as there are a few retcons from the original series. Otherwise, if you haven't enjoyed a Transformers series before and prefer older anime, I heavily suggest watching Victory.

Favorite Decepticon: Deathsaurus | Hellbat

Favorite Autobot: Starsaber | Road Caesar

Rating: 9/10 One of the best in my opinion of the Transformers Series! Amazing animation and new characters! What's more to love?

Zone (1990) | 1 OVA

The first OVA of the Transformers series! This aired in 1990 and was 30 minutes long. It continued off Transformers Victory and introduced new characters such as the new leader Dai Atlas. It brings back some of the big villains and combiners from previous series such as Devastators, Menasor, Bruticus, Predaking, Overlord, and among others. I really enjoyed the OVA but desperately wished for a full-fledged show. I feel like the characters and setup were very cramped for an OVA!

Favorite Decepticon: Overlord | Devastator

Favorite Autobot: Dia Atlas | Sonic Boomer

Rating: 5/10 I really loved the OVA but as a standalone series, it's very confusing. I love it and think it hones in on a lot of improvements that Victory made with the series. However, it's hard to watch it without watching Victory.

Beast Wars (1996-1999) | 55 Episodes

Onto the next continuity! Beast Wars aired from 1996-1999. This is a really neat series as it was the first computer animated series. This series is supposed to be a sequel to G1, as the previously mentioned installments were never brought over to America. Also in this series, the characters transform into animals instead of vehicles. I genuinely think the storyline and characters are really amazing and memorable. However, it does definitely look funky now looking back on it. I associate this series with my brother a lot, this is his favorite series, and insisted I push past the animation. Genuinely, I’m really glad I did as it was an amazing adventure! It has very unique take on the Transformer's species and characters, providing unique dynamics within the series.

Favorite Decepticon: Dinobot

Favorite Autobot: Optimus Primal

Rating: 7/10 Again, a notable series but suffers the age that came with G1 Transformers, this time with really early on computer animated models. Though I definitely think it is worth checking out despite that!

Beast Wars II (1998-1999) | 43 Episodes & 1 Movie

This one is very interesting! Beast Wars II aired 1998-1999. This was a sequel to Beast Wars but it was changed to be more kid-friendly and go back to the humor that was present in the original G1 series. This show also returned to the animated style, foregoing the early computer models. The characterization and humor are still easy to enjoy and I enjoyed seeing more history of Lio Convoy! However, there were a lot of changes made from Beast Wars to Beast Wars II. I would personally consider this its own continuity and not so much a sequel.

Favorite Decepticon: Starscream

Favorite Autobot: Lio Convoy

Rating: 6/10 I feel very similar to Beast Wars II as I did G1! The humor is very obviously not for everyone and it was definitely aimed more towards children, but the characters are still really funny and interesting as a whole.

Armada (2002-2003) | 52 Episodes

Armada was the first Transformers I chose on my own. This aired from 2002-2003! This series is actually very important to me as it had a very interesting characterization of one of my favorite characters - Starscream! I love how they portrayed Starscream and the Autobots in this series. It definitely influenced a lot of my biases with this character and I feel like the series had a very unique spin on the Decepticons and Autobots. While this series is aimed more towards children and preteens, I think the story is very unique and can capture your attention. It follows a very similar premise to the original G1 cartoon so there isn't much to know before jumping in. I also feel like a lot of the characterization shown in this show and the trilogy that follows heavily influenced a lot of modern-day takes on these characters and Transformers as a whole.

Favorite Decepticon: Starscream

Favorite Autobot: Jetfire

Rating: 8/10 An amazing series with interesting adaptations to well-known characters. If you love Starscream I highly suggest giving Armada and the Unicron Trilogy as a whole a shot! I think the dynamics they chose to feature were unique for the franchise and reminded me of the early cartoons like Headmasters. Overall, the show is a very interesting take on the franchise, universe, and characters.

Animated (2007-2009) | 42 Episodes

Transformers Animated genuinely was such a shock to me. This show aired from 2007-2009. It was supposed to have another season, but it was sadly canceled. This continuity was really fascinating overall though. I originally didn't want to get into it as it was more geared toward younger fans and contained its own continuity that seemed to make no sense to older fans of the show. For example, Prime is not a high rank and Optimus wasn't the leader of the Autobots, but instead a small team of bots. It took a lot to get me into this show, but it was really amazing to watch. The characterizations of both known and more obscure bots were really fun to watch and you really get to know these characters all over again. Also, while geared towards younger fans- the show still has darker and more serious themes. Overall, this show was really shocking to watch, and I ended up really enjoying this continuity.

Favorite Decepticon: Starscream | Blitzwing

Favorite Autobot: Jetfire | Jetstorm

Rating: 9/10 This series is simple and has some very interesting characters and plot points featured. I feel like it’s a relaxed Transformers series and some lovely characterizations. I also feel like many people turn away from this show due to the art style, but I think it's worth the shot. The show is very charming despite the differences they made which can be confusing for older fans. It can be a bit jarring stepping into it but I think once you learn about the universe and the characters, you can appreciate the series for what it is!

Prime (2010 to 2013) | 65 Episodes

This is definitely going to be my longest entry for an animated show. Transformers: Prime aired from 2010 to 2013. This show is genuinely so amazing if you are really interested in Transformers lore. It takes inspiration from not only the IDW and G1 continuities, but also every continuity featured before. It was amazing and made me super nostalgic while watching whenever call backs to these series were made. It follows a similar premise outlined in IDW and G1, however, it expands on the characters and the emotions that they felt. For example, we get to see Optimus's grief and feelings regarding Megatron's betrayal of their race. The show has some really fascinating characters that show up that we don't get to often see such as Knockout, Dreadwing, and Airachnid. I also really enjoyed Starscream's characterization a lot. This is one of the only continuities that reflects the fact that Starsream's downfall isn't that he's dumb, but actually the fact that he is very quick to act which leads to misjudgment. I really appreciate the care they took to characters like Megatron, Optimus, Starscream, Unicron, and many others. It feels like a continuity written by people who were really interested in the plot of the franchise. I loved the show as a whole and the story was a unique spin on the premise.

Favorite Decepticon: Starscream | Knockout

Favorite Autobot: Smokescreen

Rating: 9/10 Same as Animated, this had some wonderful characters featured and I feel like many people overlook this series due to the style. However, I’ve to say how amazing this continuity is. This show's version of Megatron and Optimus's story is such an interesting and in-depth take on their history- personally making this my favorite depiction of their relationship. The personality they give the robots and the storylines we see hit me way harder than I ever expected. If you needed to choose your first Transformers continuity and had no preference or idea where to start, I'd highly recommend Prime.

Comic Section - this section is dedicated to the comics I've read.

Transformers IDW & More Than Meets The Eye

This is an incredibly heavy one. I combined the Transformers Comic and More Than Meets The Eye into one entry on this page as they're one continuity. This comic continuity is absolutely amazing. I personally loved the darker turn of the story line that reflects a lot of the things that were hinted at in G1, while also talking about the realistic effects a war would have on a planet. I only recommend this storyline to people who enjoy or don't mind a darker and sadder story as it does realistically show the effects of a war and also touches on topics such as systematic oppression and religion. The characters in this comic are all incredibly charming and all have their own unique and amazing storylines. I think another positive of this storyline however is the fact there are outright canonical gay and trans characters in this story. Chromedome, Rewind, Tailgate, Cyclonus, Whirl, Pipes, Anode, Lug, Arcee, Brainstorm, Nickle, and way too many more to name are all canonically gay and/or trans. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a lot of characters that are LGBT in genres like this. It is also amazing to see LGBT characters in a well-done tragic storyline that isn't just a "bury your gays" trope.

Favorite Decepticon: Starscream | The Scavengers | The DJD (unfortunately)

Favorite Autobot: Rodimus | Tailgate | Whirl | Drift

Rating: 9/10 This series is genuinely amazing and one I want to recommend without a second thought. However, this comic is extremely heavy and has a lot of mature and potentially triggering topics. If you do want to check this out, please be careful and heed trigger warnings from fans!